Green Vines Background

Friday, August 5, 2011

You Do What You Gotta Do To Keep Away From the Looney Bin

There's a reason they call work, "work". It's not fun the majority of the time. That's why you go to school and work your little tooshie off so you can get a career and do something you don't hate. 

In the meantime, you have to work with what ya got in order to keep from going insane. Here's what I did today:

Isn't it loverly?

It is the display case on the outside of my little box I'm caged in at work.

This is my favorite part:

It's a goal post made out of athletic tape!
Haha I'm strangely really proud of it. Isn't the football a nice touch? 
Haha I thought so.

I think I'm funnier than I really am sometimes. But hey, Tara thinks I'm hysterical. 
Then again....she also thinks she's hysterical.......
Haha just messin with ya Tara I love your guts. 

Also, look what I found on my USB today:

I made this on Paint almost a year ago at my old job one day when I was super bored. 
I think it's freakin awesome. 

Apparently I do my best artwork when I'm at work haha. 
Who woulda thought?

I guess that's promising for when my job is to actually make art.

Two more years baby!
(Here's hopin anyway)

1 comment:

  1. Woah! You're a freakin ninja artistic genius! This is awe.....wait for it.....some!! love ur guts....
