Green Vines Background

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Blah....Blah....BLAH...and a Cute Baby

In case you couldn't tell from the title, today has been freakin BLAH. I have hated almost every single second of it. Got woken up freakin early thinking my little sister Cat had been kidnapped (but then later found out my other sister Leann had taken her to school without being able to get a hold of her carpool to tell them). Then worked was a supreme suckfest. More so than it's been in a long long time. Nothing, well almost nothing, went right. Ugh. AND Poor Leann had to wait in the blazing sun for about an hour for me to come pick her up because the project I was working on at work took freakin forever so I got off late. 


I got about two hours peace in my room, which was the perfect kind of cold and perfect lighting (lighting is a big deal okay). I spent those two hours watching Arrested Development. Love. The more you watch it the more it grows on you. Trust me. 


My poor sister Leann had sliced her finger open at her internship at Chef's Table and by this point it was bleeding profusely and hurt super bad. (Click on her name for a link to the story). SO we took her to the Instacare and she had to get stitches. It gave me flashbacks of when I was like 8 or something and had to get stitches in my finger. No bueno. 

The one good thing that happened though was I went to the store to get Leann Twizzlers and Nutella, and they had the Calypso Lemonade in stock that I wanted :) Yay. Peach Lemonade is de-freakin-licious. 

All I have to say at this point is that while my day sucked, Leann's was worse so I shouldn't be upset anymore. After an hour of searching I FINALLY found my headphones, finally synced my iPod for the first time in forever, and got some laundry done. At least I can end the day on a good note. 


Totally random but my sister Brittany takes super fantastic pictures and you should check them out. Click on her name to see them. I have one of the pics she took of her baby Milo as my background and it literally makes me go "Awwww" every time I see it. So go look at her blog if you wanna see really good pictures of a really cute baby. 

That's all :)

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