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Saturday, February 12, 2011

I Cursed Myself

So you know how my last blog post was titled "2011...don't let me down".....well so far 2011 has SUCKED butt. I guess I cursed myself. So far I have had mono once, strep twice, and I'm pretty sure I'm going to have to get my tonsils out. I've injured myself snowboarding about three times. I'm currently rocking the taped wrist since I sprained it on my last snowboarding adventure. But it's still worth it :) I'm finally getting the hang of it and loving it.

School is pretty awful. I'm not motivated at all. When I got done at work today I planned on going home and studying for my American Heritage midterm. Did I study? No. I ate some nachos, gave my dog a hair cut, watched a little America's Next Top Model, and am now stalking people's blogs. My classes just suck and I can't wait for them to be over. I hardly ever go to Greek and Roman Lit. I CANNOT get into it. It's impossible. I can't wait for March when I get to start Photo. I NEEEEEEED a creative outlet. Can't wait.

I've decided little kids are the funniest people in the world. I volunteer at an elementary school at this after school program. There is this little Asian first grader who pretty much made my life. Here is our conversation:
Adorable Kid: I like your ring. It's big. Did a boy give it to you?
Me: Haha no. I bought it.
Adorable Kid: What??? Boys are supposed to give girls rings. Are you married?
Me: Nope haha.
Adorable Kid: Do you have a boyfriend?
Me: Nope.
Adorable Kid: Well you need to get a boyfriend and get married and make sure he gives you a ring because you need a ring.
Me: Do you have a girlfriend?
Adorable Kid: Yeah. Her name is as;dfkjasdflijasdf (i don't remember what it was lol)
Me: Are you gonna give her a ring?
Adorable Kid: Yeah on Valentine's Day.
Me: Aw cute.
Adorable Kid: Yeah I have it already. My sister gave it to me cause she didn't want it anymore. It's green and it's a stone.
Me: I bet she's going to love it.
Adorable Kid: Of course she'll love it. She's a girl and girls love rings that are stones.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! Cutest. Kid. Ever. So whoever I marry, make sure you give me a ring cause a little Asian might come kick your butt if you don't.
About a month and a half down. Ten and a half more to go. I guess I better learn from My Name is Earl and do some good so karma will start being nice to me. Here's hoping :)

1 comment:

  1. I'm taking a Greek history class and it's driving me INSANE. I can't get into it at all. Here's hoping we both figure something out ha
