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Wednesday, August 24, 2011

You Know It's Time for Some Fun When Someone Hands You a "Decorum Guide"

So I'm in the middle of an anxiety attack right now. I used to get them really bad my freshman year at BYU and they have decided to grace me with their presence once again.

I went and bought textbooks since school starts on Monday. I was totally fine during that part. Then I checked my email and saw emails from a couple of my professors. Yay for syllabuses....syllabi......syllabre??? Whatever it is. I hate them. 

I forgot how freakin hard BYU is! Just reading over the syllabi or whatever I got is pushing me into full panic mode. I really need to calm down. I can do this. I think I can, I think I can, I think I can. 

Look at this "Rules of Decorum" thing my American Culture professor sent me:

During gatherings of our learning community, please adhere to these rules of decorum:

Come prepared: complete the reading and writing assignments in advance. — If you are unprepared, then you may not attend the gathering.

      Come on time: punctual is polite, late is lame.
      If you are late, then you may not attend the gathering. o If you insist on violating this rule, you cannot earn credit for your attendance that day.
      Turn off your cell phone before the gathering begins.

      Be still and quiet during the meditative moment that opens our gathering. 

Refrain from making more than your fair share of comments.
          “Let not all be spokesmen at once; but let one speak at a time and let all listen unto his sayings, that when all have spoken that all may be edified of all, and that every [person] may have an equal privilege” (D&C 88:122).
     Stick to the subject at hand.
     Read or talk loudly and slowly enough so others can hear and follow.
     Refrain from speaking or whispering when someone else is talking.
     Refrain from engaging in extraneous activities during the gathering: reading irrelevant material, surfing the Internet, texting, and so forth.
     Address members of our learning community by name—learn the names of members of our learning community.
     Express appreciation for the contributions of colleagues.

     Disagree without being disagreeable.

I think there is nothing LESS American than that. That Decorum crap takes away a bunch of freedoms, and I am very anti-communism thank you very much. It did make me laugh though cause of how ridiculous it is. 

My Illustration syllabus freaked me out cause I'm really not good at drawing. That's why I want to do Graphic Design, cause it's on the computer. Hopefully it won't be too bad.....I'm really nervous though. 

I haven't even seen the syllabi...syllabre haha for my other two classes so I'm freaking out. Gotta calm down. Wish me luck


  1. Ah sylabuseseses! I really liked the rules of decorum. In the olden days when I was a student, we just behaved and didn't have a bunch of crazy rules. But I suppose with hell-raising rebels like you, they gotta lay down the law so you don't get out of line and start a mutiny, take over the class and learn the 7 secrets of American Culture that the free masons never wanted us to learn.

    Oh and as for that illustration class, I have in my possession a few pirated prints by a certain artist that prove not only that she can draw, but she's wicked talented at it. I'm more worried about Noel getting an accounting degree, opening a rival firm and stealing all my lucrative pirate tax clients. (Don't you dare let her have access to an accounting text book.)

    Remember, you're amazing. And someday, I just may teach you those 7 secrets and the other one those Wall Street fatcats don't want you to know.

  2. J, you are going to do great. You are more creative than some graphic designers I know (I do know a few!).

    And Rick, I think you have topped yourself with this comment. I laughed so hard, homemade pizza almost came out my nose...I'm just sayin....
