Green Vines Background

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Forget About Planet of the Apes, It's Planet of the Spiders

I have finally found a downside to having a mountain as a backyard. Bugs think they can invade your space whenever they want! Maybe this is how they feel when we go hiking and crush their houses with our feet or smash their heads. 
But hey, we're the dominant species, we reserve the right to destroy them.

They don't seem to be afraid though. Without fail, my sister Tara and I have to kill at least two spiders a day. There is usually one in our bathtub EVERY morning, no exaggeration. Whoever showers first has to drown it before they can get in. 
Ants regularly crawl through under the door that goes from our walkway outside to our kitchen. Tara filled this big crack with that white ant killer powder and guess what happened. 

This is a very crappy photo cause I had to crop it a ton and the spider was in a shadow so the flash blew it out. But look at it!
Almost all of it is covered in the ant killer powder!
It must've crawled through the freakin crack or something and gotten in the house. 
The label on the ant killer powder said it kills BLACK WIDOWS even, yet it couldn't kill this freakin thing???

One time, I was sitting on my bedroom floor tying my shoes and I felt something on my knee, so I looked and it was a spider literally the size of a tarantula. I flung it off me and ran away.
About 8 hours later I came back from work and saw it sitting on my desk, so I captured it and took it outside and killed it. 

The spiders that happen to be in our house the most often BLEND IN WITH OUR CARPET!
No joke. I think they have purposefully adapted to blend in so they can survive longer. 
It's terrifying.

Tara is having nightmares about spiders. I keep thinking every little thing I feel touch me is a bug crawling on me, and 20% of the time it is. 

I think it's time to call an expert or something cause even though it's hilarious to see Tara jump at every little thing and scream and jump on the couch, it's not something I wanna live with. 

If we don't do something soon, the spiders are going to take over.

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