Green Vines Background

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Music is Better with the Windows Rolled Down

I love music. That's an understatement. Music keeps me sane and inspires me in so many ways. To me, music is best on summer nights, driving with the windows rolled down. That is my happy place. Lately I've been into more mellow, piano and acoustic songs. Those songs were made to be listened to the way I just described.

Leann, thank you for introducing me to Bon Iver. I am in love. 


  1. YES! i am so proud of you :) Bon Iver is the most amazing band to ever be on the face of the earth

  2. I really liked that music video you told me about Leann that Bon Iver did. They have some good stuff. I've listened to more of theirs lately.
