Green Vines Background

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Everyone Is Getting Married

Oh Barney Stinson, you read my mind! 
Here in Happy Valley this is how it feels ALL THE TIME. I'm only 20 and already most of my friends from high school are married, some even have kids. It's like every other day someone is posting on Facebook how they are engaged. Ridiculous. It's an epidemic.

I personally believe people should do whatever they feel is right for them when it comes to marriage and kids, no matter how other people feel about the situation. They are the ones who are going to have to live with the consequences, be them good or bad.

Because of this belief of mine, I am SERIOUSLY sick of people constantly asking me if I'm dating anyone and telling me I need to get married soon. It's like the second people hear that I'm single they ask me a million questions trying to dissect every little thing to figure out WHY I'm single. They try to fix me. They give me all these suggestions about how I need to change so my knight in shining armor will come galloping in on his horse and save me from my "wretched single life". 

Let me remind you: I am only 20 years old. I think the amount of pressure around here to get married the second you get out of high school is ridiculous. I think a lot of people rush into marriage too young just because they feel like that's what is expected and they should get started making a family as soon as possible. 

I don't think a lot of people give themselves enough time to figure themselves out before they tie themselves to another person. It takes a lot of time to get to know yourself, and I believe it is worth taking that time before making the biggest decision of your life. 

Because my parents are divorced, I am in no rush to marry the first guy who comes along. I may be too cautious when it comes to this, but I have seen how divorce affects people, even without kids, and it is my life goal to never get divorced. To achieve this, I am just going to make sure that I am 100% positive that the guy I marry is "the one" or whatever. 

I'm going to make sure that I don't hope he will change somewhere down the road.
I'm going to make sure that he brings out the best in me and I do the same to him.
I'm going to make sure that I can picture a life with him, without ANY doubts.
I'm going to make sure of a lot of things. 

Making sure of all these things will take time. I'm sure when I meet whoever I'm supposed to marry, I'll know. So I would really appreciate people stopping putting their two cents in about my life and how I'm behind on popping out babies. It's not like I'm 50 and I've never been married. 

I've got time. I'm doing my own thing. I'll get married when God wants me to. So if you really want to know why I'm not married, how about you ask God and leave me alone lol.


  1. Amen! Marriage is not something to take lightly and I think too many people do. I'm proud of you for sticking to her beliefs and I admire your convictions. Your life is your life and only you and Heavenly Father know where that is headed. I have learned along the way that you never know what is happening behind closed doors and it is not my place to judge because I just don't know. I love you Jennie!

  2. Well to be are almost past prime baby making years. I more year and your uterus will be considered ancient!!
    Haha Just Kidding.
    Just don't listen to what other people say. You will know when it's right for you, and nobody else can tell you when that will be.
    "What does your heart tell you?" (haha name that movie)
