Happy people just don't kill their husbands.
After a long day of stress, dealing with super rude, obnoxious people, I decided to run off the anger. I like to run on the treadmill cause when I decide to give up, I can just stop and plop down whenever I want haha. No need to run uphill after I've decided I can't take any more.
Only problem is, our treadmill is possessed. I think it's one of those situations where the technology becomes smarter than the people who created it and take control of the world. After about ten minutes, the treadmill will speed up way faster than what it is set at. When set at a speed for a light jog, you end up sprinting. I think it's trying to force us all into being marathon ready so we will be more of a challenge when all the technology decide to take over. If we can run faster then we'll survive longer haha.
Even though I gave up after 15 minutes, I think I got a massive dose of endorphins cause I have been laughing at literally EVERYTHING ever since. I don't know if it's a combination of being home alone for 5 hours and the exercise or what, but I'm not complaining. Everything is better when you can laugh at it. For example:
I was watching "Bride Wars" on t.v. and the girl was complaining about her friend making her fat by secretly sending her chocolate baskets and international butter club stuff. The guy who played Van on "Reba" said:
"International Butter Club? You mean you've been sitting around eating sticks of butter from foreign lands?" Every time I think about it I can't stop laughing.
This commercial:
Text conversation between me and my sister Britt:
Me: I'm just chilling here scooping watermelon with a tiny baby spoon.
Britt: Are you making tiny little watermelon snowmen?
Me: No! But I should! They would be cuter than the little mashed potato snowmen I made.
Britt: Agreed! They would keep their shape quite adorably.
Me: There are even black seeds that I can use for buttons and eyes lol.
Britt: This just keeps getting better and better....
Stupid guy on the tv show "Sweet Home Alabama" that's like the Bachelorette with a southern girl:
"So I did some acting without my clothes on. It was completely tasteful, nothing happened. My parents have even seen this video. It's called Hotel Erotica. I don't see why you have problem with this."
HAHAHAHAHA.......oh man. Tasteful. Yeah right.
Dwight on "The Office":
"Wait...you told me the money was going to bat birth control."
"I need a baby. I've been feeling a great hole in my life. Sometimes I wake up cradling a gourd."
There were others but I have already forgotten them cause I was so distracted by my laughing. I could get used to this.
I used to be a member of the International Butter Club. The dues were reasonable and the bi-monthly newsletter was filled with articles giving you tips on how to smuggle butter across borders. I dropped out when they started advocating equal rights for margarine.