Green Vines Background

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

MSN Addiction

I have a slight addiction to I realize that the first step in overcoming an addiction is to recognize that you have one. I realize it, but I won't (and don't want to) overcome it. MSN always has the most random yet also interesting stories in this entire UNIVERSE. I can't help that I have an obsession with random information.

Today I was on MSN, as always, and one of their head stories was "The World's 18 Strangest Bathrooms". Where else are you going to get this kind of information? At MSN you can get updates about your favorite TV shows, news, photos of natural disasters, videos of freakishly mutated fish, dating advice, recipes, stories about the latest trashy celebrity in jail, and apparently pictures of weird bathrooms all over the world plus SO MUCH MORE! MSN is the ultimate website for my random needs. Everything I need to know is on there. Plus, the stories featured on their page change like every twenty minutes for never ending random information. Some people call it a waste of time. I call it "learning".

MSN also uses the Bing! search engine, which I am starting to love, mostly because of their new commercials. Yes, that is how easily I am won over. Awesome commercial? Done. I love you Bing!. Plus Bing! is just fun to say. Especially if you say Chandler before it. With a nasally voice. It's like those Old Spice commercials. They're awesome so everyone loves them, even if Old Spice smelled like roadkill, people would love it. That's the power of the media right there.

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