Green Vines Background

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Me vs. Jimi Hendrix and the Eiffel Tower

I am in love with posters. I found this great website with thousands of awesome posters and I am now addicted. I recently bought about six new posters from there to decorate my room. These posters seem to have created a pact to try and fall down as much as possible to get me as pissed off as they can. No amount of poster putty or tape will keep this things stuck to the wall! It's like they're possessed or something....

There are two posters in particular that fall down the most. They are:

Jimi Hendrix

The Eiffel Tower

You wouldn't think it would be so supremely difficult to keep a large piece of paper stuck to a wall. These posters have proven me wrong. They seem to like falling down at the least convenient times too. The Eiffel Tower poster has fallen on my head twice while I was sleeping. It scared me so much I couldn't fall back asleep either time. I just have one thing go say about this. If either one of them fall ONE MORE TIME....the duct tape is coming out. Don't say I didn't warn you, Jimi.

1 comment:

  1. No one can control Jimi. He goes and does what he all directions. The Eiffel Tower is probably too heavy for your wall. No surprise there. :)
