Green Vines Background

Monday, December 13, 2010

The Beginning of the End

FINALS WEEK!!!! You know what that means. Little sleep, little eating, little fun, LOTS of stress and of course, lots of caffeine. I'm lucky though. One of my classes doesn't even have a final, two of my classes have art projects as the final, and then I have 2 horrid tests for my regular classes. But I can deal :) I just busted out 2 amazing masterpieces for my 2D final. I'll post them later when I care enough to upload them. I also have 2 other pieces from my drawing final I'll post later as well.

GUESS WHAT!!!! Two of my pieces have been chosen to be put in an art show. I'm have finally arrived lol. I'm super stoked. But I'm not that special since pretty much everyone is getting some of their stuff in the show. But still :) My art will be on a wall for the first time. I consider that cause for a "WOOHOOOOOO!!!!!" Next milestone: selling a piece of my work. The milestone after that: getting my work published somewhere. It's good to have goals lol. Without them I probably wouldn't get anything done.

Anysways, I gotsta go to bed so I can wake up early and drive chillins around. Thanks to all you wonderful people who stalk my blog :) Much appreciated. Just know, I probably stalk yours just as much. Mucho love! Peace out.

Monday, November 29, 2010

The Madness That Keeps me Sane

Once upon a time I actually cared about putting an effort into school. Needless to say, that time has ended. I have run out of whatever it is that makes people care about things they have to do. Luckily, my portfolio for my application to the Graphic Design program is due tomorrow, and I have finally chosen the 10 pieces of art that are going to decide my future. Here they are for your viewing pleasure.

Numero Uno

Number Two
Nombre Trois

# 4

Number Five

Number Six


# Eight

Number Nine


I still have to finish the dreaded creative exercise, which is basically a piece of paper with a bunch of lines I have to make something out of. Should be interesting. I've stared at it for about a half hour and can't think of anything to put on the paper. Hopefully my story ends up having a happy ending and I get into the program and become an awesome designer. That would be my dream come true. I guess in a month or so I'll find out :) Cross your fingers for me.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

A Black Tie Affair

Hey there. Here are some black and white products of my time sucking hobby :) Enjoy!

This was a series inspired by New York Waterfront by Stuart Davis.

This one is my personal favorite.

This is a charcoal drawing of a random corner on campus. The angle is a little weird but you get the general idea.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

My Time Suck

Hey there. So I know I don't post that often. This is because I have a major time suck called: art classes. To prove that I haven't just been negligent, here are some of the projects I've been working on. The colors are a little off cause I took pictures in really bad light, but you get the gist.

This was a blind contour line drawing, so I did most of it without looking.

This was another blind contour line drawing.

This was a drawing I did of a drawing lol. Weird and really difficult assignment that turned out better than I thought it would considering I don't draw much. Don't worry, it's supposed to have those little lines on it.

This was an assignment where we had to draw a bunch of marks over and over. In this drawing there are an astounding
10,000 squares.

This drawing has 1,000 squares.

This one has 100 squares.

This is a collage, one of my favorite. Ignore the shiny part. That's from the stupid flash.

This is probably one of my least favorite collages.

And here is yet another collage. Fantabulous, no?

Here is an assignment I HATED. We had to do a series of 3 collages.
The first one had to be a collage of 2 analogous colors. Hence this collage.

The second had to be the same design (which I'm not a fan of) but with an anomaly. Hence the random orange strip.

And the third collage had to have transition colors that were supposed to take the attention off the anomaly, hence all the other colors, like the red.

I'm working on a lot more stuff right now that is a lot cooler, but this is just a little taste for ya. There is plenty more to come :) Prepare to be blown away.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

People are Like a Box of Chocolates

It is amazing to me how many different types of people there are. The reason I bring this up is because I have met someone who is pretty much the COMPLETE opposite of me in almost every way possible. Let me start off by saying that I have nothing against this person and we completely get along, but we don't agree on ANYTHING.

We have one similarity. We are both trying to be art majors. She wants to go into illustration. I want to go into graphic design. She is pretty much completely left brained, even though she says she's equal, and I'm pretty much completely right brained. She loves rules. She loves marching band. She loves math. She hates everything abstract. She feels the need to be THE best. She is against caffeine. SHAME!

She is very methodical, accurate, rigid, thinks things through in detail, plans out everything, etc.
I, on the other hand, do things spontaneously without really thinking about it, never make plans, am relaxed (maybe too relaxed), don't care about pointless things, hate rules and will break them if I want, hate math, LOVE everything abstract, and don't care about being THE best as long as I do my best, and most importantly: I LOVE CAFFEINE.

I love the t.v. show Psych. She believes that Shawn Spencer (one of my favorite characters ever created) is too relaxed, and therefore will not watch the show. I don't understand that. It's just little comments and things she does all the time that make me think...WTF (what the freak ;) )???? Because I would do and say the complete opposite. I think she's a great person, but I just don't get how her brain works since mine works completely different.

It's just amazing to me how different people are. There's nothing wrong with being different. We can all learn from each other. It'll be interesting to see what I learn from this girl haha. Maybe I'll rub off on her. Maybe she'll rub off on me. NAH! HAHA that would be entertaining though.....I guess we'll see what happens.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Me vs. Jimi Hendrix and the Eiffel Tower

I am in love with posters. I found this great website with thousands of awesome posters and I am now addicted. I recently bought about six new posters from there to decorate my room. These posters seem to have created a pact to try and fall down as much as possible to get me as pissed off as they can. No amount of poster putty or tape will keep this things stuck to the wall! It's like they're possessed or something....

There are two posters in particular that fall down the most. They are:

Jimi Hendrix

The Eiffel Tower

You wouldn't think it would be so supremely difficult to keep a large piece of paper stuck to a wall. These posters have proven me wrong. They seem to like falling down at the least convenient times too. The Eiffel Tower poster has fallen on my head twice while I was sleeping. It scared me so much I couldn't fall back asleep either time. I just have one thing go say about this. If either one of them fall ONE MORE TIME....the duct tape is coming out. Don't say I didn't warn you, Jimi.

Friday, September 17, 2010

THE Man: Rob Dyrdek

Over the past week I have developed an extreme love for Rob Dyrdek and his neverending ability to make me laugh my freaking head off. He is the most random, hilarious man I have ever seen. Not to mention, he is an FANtastic skateboarder.

Here is his beautiful face

I knew that he had that TV show Rob & Big, but now he has his own show called Rob's Fantasy Factory. He, like most guys, can be freaking disgusting at times but he is super HILARIOUS. Plus you get to see him biff it time after time in so many different ways. People getting hurt is almost always an immediate crack up.

Some of the things Rob has done:
1. Bought a mini horse and keep it IN his house.
2. Taught his pit bull how to skateboard.
3. Donated his clothes to hobos on the street.
4. Built a zip line in his warehouse.
5. Had an "awkward intervention" for his weirdo cousin "Big Cat"
6. Simulated a shark attack in a pool while wearing chain mail and a motorcycle helmet.
7. Bought a time machine and drove to canada to get tips on how to make it work.
8. Took a spiritual Guru on his motorcycle and other awesome toys.

Basically, he is random, hilarious, and super talented and he never fails to brighten my day. Right now there is a Fantasy Factory marathon going on and I now know how my night is going to play out.

Thank you Rob, for being funny, stupid, and catching it all on camera. You are the bomb shiz.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

MSN Addiction

I have a slight addiction to I realize that the first step in overcoming an addiction is to recognize that you have one. I realize it, but I won't (and don't want to) overcome it. MSN always has the most random yet also interesting stories in this entire UNIVERSE. I can't help that I have an obsession with random information.

Today I was on MSN, as always, and one of their head stories was "The World's 18 Strangest Bathrooms". Where else are you going to get this kind of information? At MSN you can get updates about your favorite TV shows, news, photos of natural disasters, videos of freakishly mutated fish, dating advice, recipes, stories about the latest trashy celebrity in jail, and apparently pictures of weird bathrooms all over the world plus SO MUCH MORE! MSN is the ultimate website for my random needs. Everything I need to know is on there. Plus, the stories featured on their page change like every twenty minutes for never ending random information. Some people call it a waste of time. I call it "learning".

MSN also uses the Bing! search engine, which I am starting to love, mostly because of their new commercials. Yes, that is how easily I am won over. Awesome commercial? Done. I love you Bing!. Plus Bing! is just fun to say. Especially if you say Chandler before it. With a nasally voice. It's like those Old Spice commercials. They're awesome so everyone loves them, even if Old Spice smelled like roadkill, people would love it. That's the power of the media right there.