I know I haven't written in a while. Sorry about that. My advanced writing teacher has killed my desire to write. I used to love writing. I wrote poems, stories, lyrics, beginnings of books on my views on life, etc. Thanks to Professor Miller, however, I no longer find joy in writing. Thanks a heap coyote ugly.
Today I got a paper back with a grade on it. I knew when I turned in the paper that it wasn't awesome, but I did the best with what I had. "Professor" Miller gave us a paper with a brief explanation of the assignment on it and said "do it" and that was about it. I call her a "professor" because she doesn't teach or expound on anything. All she does is hand out assignment sheets printed on lime green paper and tell us to do them with almost no explanation. I don't see how anyone could get a good grade on these assignments when we can't possibly know what is expected, or really even understand what the assignment is. Anyway, I didn't get that great of a grade and after reading her comments I felt like shiz. She basically wrote an entire page of comments, most of which she used to call me stupid. She didn't come right out and say it, but that's the gist of what she wrote. I have never had a teacher call me stupid before, but let me just tell ya it's not the greatest feeling in the world.
I have always had problems feeling inadequate at school ever since I started college. Everyone seems so smart and talented that it's easy to compare yourself and feel like you fail by comparison. My mom calls it comparing your weaknesses to their strengths. I'm at the point where I feel like all I have is weaknesses, since apparently I'm stupid and not high enough caliber to be in an advanced writing class at BYU (which she also implied). Teachers aren't supposed to make students feel stupid or hate a subject they once loved.
I'm sure that once this class is over I will start to like writing again since it won't be graded by an evil wench anymore. Time will tell I guess. 41 days to be specific. I put a widget on my phone to count down the days till the class from Hell is over.
Other things I'm counting down to:
My 21 Birthday: 117 days
Going to see Hunger Games: 23 days
The end of my best friend's deployment: 320 days (that's a guesstimate)
That's all for now but I'm sure there will be more later. Sorry for the rant but this is my life :) Enjoy
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