I'm not gonna lie, the first time I ever saw P.S. I Love You, I bawled my eyes out. Don't worry, it doesn't have that effect on me anymore, and don't even get me started on Hilary Swank. That's a whole other blog post waiting to happen. But one quote in that movie has stuck in my mind even after all these years.
(This picture is from the scene where she said this quote)
"I must create a system or be enslaved by another mans; I will not reason and compare: my business is to create."
-William Blake
I don't know when or why I developed this problem with authority, but it exists. And I have found that it's mostly with men......there's probably a psychological explanation for that but I don't really care to analyze it too much.
I like to do my own thing. I don't ask for much, I'm responsible, so I don't like when other people tell me how to live my life or what to do with my time. This might be why I feel so connected to the art world. Artists get to be themselves and express that through their work. Because art is so subjective, there is always someone who will accept what you do. It's not like math where you have to do it a certain way or you're wrong. There is no right or wrong in art. Art give me a complete sense of freedom.
I know I am going to have to work for clients in the future, even if I just decide to go the freelance route, but I will still get to do what I love and stay true to my own style.
Anyways, I just really love that quote and thought I'd share it.
Enjoy :)
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