Green Vines Background

Monday, July 25, 2011

My Clothing Choice Doesn't Always Match the Weather

Today I became in grave danger.....danger of all my tuition money I've been trying to save up being suddenly spent on.....drumroll please...............jackets. For those of you who don't know, I have a tiny little obsession with jackets. Ok ok, who am I kidding? It's a HUGE obsession. I feel like this is completely justified by the fact that I have lived in Utah my whole life where it snows for about half the year. I don't know what it is about jackets that I love so much but I just can't help myself. 

I made the mistake of going to PacSun's website, which I do about once a week. Today I realized that they have posted some of their new jackets for fall. Oh man. I have already seen at least 4 that I would love to add to my wardrobe. Sad thing is, most jackets are at least $40 bucks. Do the math. If only I had stopped at PacSun. My sister then showed me a shirt she wanted on the Zumiez website and I just HAD to look at their jackets. Bad idea. I found a jacket that says "Make Art, Not War" and fell in love with it. 

It just so happens to be available in stores at this very moment. So guess where I'm going tomorrow after work? The DMV. Haha but after that I am most definitely going to the mall to get that hoodie, even though it's July. 

Who said my clothing choice had to match the weather? I'm the kind of person who will sit by the fireplace in the middle of winter and eat ice cream. So if the A/C just happens to be blasting in my basement, I don't see why I can't throw on a hoodie. I have a feeling I'm going to have to practice a lot of self control this winter.....we'll see how that goes. Wish me luck :)

1 comment:

  1. Your obsession with jackets is like my obsession with jewelry.

    One time, my little brother had a double header in Spanish Fork. So I'm watching his first game and I was getting hungry, but since he had two games I was like, "No, I'll save my money and just get something around dinner time." So like an hour later, I hear that someone around the corner is selling necklaces made of baseballs and softaballs for $15. I immediately bought 2.

    and yet I wouldn't spend $3 for food...

    maybe just a little obsessed. :)
