School is pretty awful. I'm not motivated at all. When I got done at work today I planned on going home and studying for my American Heritage midterm. Did I study? No. I ate some nachos, gave my dog a hair cut, watched a little America's Next Top Model, and am now stalking people's blogs. My classes just suck and I can't wait for them to be over. I hardly ever go to Greek and Roman Lit. I CANNOT get into it. It's impossible. I can't wait for March when I get to start Photo. I NEEEEEEED a creative outlet. Can't wait.
I've decided little kids are the funniest people in the world. I volunteer at an elementary school at this after school program. There is this little Asian first grader who pretty much made my life. Here is our conversation:
Adorable Kid: I like your ring. It's big. Did a boy give it to you?
Me: Haha no. I bought it.
Adorable Kid: What??? Boys are supposed to give girls rings. Are you married?
Me: Nope haha.
Adorable Kid: Do you have a boyfriend?
Me: Nope.
Adorable Kid: Well you need to get a boyfriend and get married and make sure he gives you a ring because you need a ring.
Me: Do you have a girlfriend?
Adorable Kid: Yeah. Her name is as;dfkjasdflijasdf (i don't remember what it was lol)
Me: Are you gonna give her a ring?
Adorable Kid: Yeah on Valentine's Day.
Me: Aw cute.
Adorable Kid: Yeah I have it already. My sister gave it to me cause she didn't want it anymore. It's green and it's a stone.
Me: I bet she's going to love it.
Adorable Kid: Of course she'll love it. She's a girl and girls love rings that are stones.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! Cutest. Kid. Ever. So whoever I marry, make sure you give me a ring cause a little Asian might come kick your butt if you don't.
About a month and a half down. Ten and a half more to go. I guess I better learn from My Name is Earl and do some good so karma will start being nice to me. Here's hoping :)
I'm taking a Greek history class and it's driving me INSANE. I can't get into it at all. Here's hoping we both figure something out ha