Rock n' Roll is mmm mmm good. I can't even put it into words. It's like the peanut butter to my jelly :) The Lynyrd to my Skynyrd. And so on and so forth. I think what I like the most about Rock is that it has soul behind it. When you watch a Rock musician perform you can tell that they FEEL the song and it actually means something. It's not some stupid fluff on the radio that only talks about parties and the boy that broke your heart that week. Rock music is about things that have meaning and are important. For the most part.
I recently went to the Rev Theory concert and it was AM. A. ZING. The opening bands were way better than the bands they had at their last concert. There was a band called Aranda who I had never heard of and they were one of the best bands I've heard in a long time. You could tell they love what they do and they actually have something necessary to their profession: TALENT. They can actually play their instruments and write songs that are actually good. No need for auto tune. And yet nobody knows of them. There's something wrong there in my opinion.
They had another band called Pop Evil and they were awesome. They couldn't have a more random group of people together but it worked. I love that Rock musicians can actually sing and have such a power behind their voice. They're super intense. I think this is because they feel everything so intensely and so deeply that they pour it into their music. This is probably also the reason why they often have drug and alcohol problems lol. They feel everything so much that they use those things to cope. Just my theory lol.
Anyway, what I'm getting at is people need to stop obsessing over Bieber and Kesha and all those people who are just a bunch of hype. Listen to something that's not superficial for a change. You might like it. It might change your life. It sure has changed mine. One of these days you'll hear a song, and the lyrics will change your outlook. They'll speak to you in a way that makes you feel like the song was written for you. That it was exactly what you needed to hear. Music saves the soul :)