Green Vines Background

Monday, November 29, 2010

The Madness That Keeps me Sane

Once upon a time I actually cared about putting an effort into school. Needless to say, that time has ended. I have run out of whatever it is that makes people care about things they have to do. Luckily, my portfolio for my application to the Graphic Design program is due tomorrow, and I have finally chosen the 10 pieces of art that are going to decide my future. Here they are for your viewing pleasure.

Numero Uno

Number Two
Nombre Trois

# 4

Number Five

Number Six


# Eight

Number Nine


I still have to finish the dreaded creative exercise, which is basically a piece of paper with a bunch of lines I have to make something out of. Should be interesting. I've stared at it for about a half hour and can't think of anything to put on the paper. Hopefully my story ends up having a happy ending and I get into the program and become an awesome designer. That would be my dream come true. I guess in a month or so I'll find out :) Cross your fingers for me.